At MethodExpress, we strive to ensure your full satisfaction. For that purpose, we carefully follow a proven process. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied, you can cancel the engagement with no or minimal cost, depending on when you request the cancelation. More details below:
Satisfaction Guaranteed policy highlights:
Right Expectations
Proactively seeking Feedback
Trail Period Cancelation
Canceling after trail period
Project-specific “Satisfaction Guaranteed” promise
Before you commit to a service, we will make sure you get the right expectations. We will explain to you, in as much details as possible, what is it that we will give you, and, equally as important, what is it that we will not!
If the engagement is for
Right expectations will be set by
Professional Services
- Providing a detailed description of roles and responsibilities, timeframe, approach, and specific deliverables included in scope of work.
- Clearly stating what deliverables are not included in scope of work, where applicable.
- Providing a detailed profile for each talent working on your project.
- Having the opportunity to interview each talent.
- Clearly agreeing on how logistics will be handled and who is handling them. Those are issues like travel, accommodation, visas, etc.
- Answering all client questions regarding the project and scope before making a commitment.
Staff Outsourcing
- Clearly agreeing on the description of the position(s) to be outsourced.
- Clearly agreeing on issues like working hours, days, vacations, tools, insurance, replacement, termination, engagement duration and others..
- Clearly agreeing on how logistics will be handled and who is handling them. Those are issues like travel, accommodation, visas, office space, etc.
- Having the opportunity to interview each talent..
Training & Hands on Coaching
- Clearly agreeing on objective and topic(s) to be covered.
- Clearly agreeing on approach to be followed during training.
- Clearly agreeing on how logistics will be handled and who is handling them. Those are issues like travel, accommodation, visas, training venue, catering, tools, etc…
- Having the opportunity to interview each talent (trainer or coach).
Proactively seeking Feedbacks
We will seek your input and feedback regarding your satisfaction of the quality of the service more than once and early in the process. This will help us avoid any “black box” risks and will help us identify and tackle any issues early on. Whenever there are issues, we will always act as early as possible taking corrective actions or replacing talent as needed.
Trail Period Cancelation
Each MethodExpress engagement will have a trail period. This will typically be about the first 5%-20% of the project duration or scope, depending on the nature if the engagement. If client decides to cancel during trail period for any reason, NO professional fees will be charged and any fees paid will be fully refunded. Client will only be responsible for direct costs of logistics incurred such as travel, accommodation and similar costs, if any
Canceling after trail period
If client decides to cancel after trail period for any reason, engagement will be canceled and only fees and costs incurred up to the date of cancelation will be charged.
Project-specific “Satisfaction Guaranteed” promise
Each engagement contract will include a detailed “Satisfaction Guaranteed” section that governs that specific engagement.