Are you looking to join a certain training course in your area as an individual, but do not seem to find it offered anywhere with the right quality, timing, and cost?
Do you need to hold a private training course for your team but do not have a sufficient number of trainees to make it cost-effective?
METHODExpress unique LearnPool enables us to plan training courses to fit the specific needs of our valued clients. This will mean that you can have a clear plan ahead for where and when you are sending candidates to training programs that meets your quality, budget, time and location requirements.
How does it work?
We collect training requirements from our clients in different cities around the world. This can be in the form of an annual or quarterly plan.
We create public training courses responding to the requirements of as many clients as possible. That is in term of domains of knowledge, topics, locations, budgets, and timing.
We publish LearnPool public training courses on our website and we confirm them as the minimum number of attendees confirm.
Clients confirming their seats first get the most discounted rates!